Getting the Most Out of Your Chamber Membership


The way to get the most out of your Chamber membership can be summarized in three words:

Talk to us!

In this article, we’re going to tease apart the meaning in those three words, and what actions you can take to get the biggest bang for your buck when becoming a member.

1. Tell us what you need

The best way for us to know what you need is if you tell us. We make an effort to check in with our members, but we can’t always visit as frequently as we would like. Do you need more or a different kind of advertising? Workshops or resources on a particular subject? A business you would like to make a connection with? A specific type of event that would be helpful for us to host? Send us an email, call us, or drop by and visit.

It’s equally helpful if you also tell us what we’re doing well. We’re not asking for a pat on the back, but knowing what is working helps us know what areas we should be focusing our efforts on.

2. Tell us what you’re doing

Send us your news, events, promotions, ads, etc. and where you would like them advertised. Put your events on our website calendar, tell everyone you’re hiring, or that “all hats are 50%” in our monthly newsletter, and share your social media posts with us so that we can share them to our page.

3. Get to know your fellow members

“Us” is broader than just the office staff or the Board of Directors. It includes our members. Familiarize yourself with our Business Directory and find ways to connect and work with them. This builds community, and creates an atmosphere of building each other up. And the more familiar you are to other businesses, the more opportunities there are for your business to be recommended.

4. Get involved

Attend our board meetings (now scheduled on our website calendar), attend our networking events, and volunteer at Chamber events, or our members’ events when you can.

Be an ambassador. Tell other people that you are a Chamber member and what the Chamber does for you and the community, and the ways they could benefit from a membership.


So talk to us! We want to hear from you.


Press Release: Experience Tennessee Tourism Partnership with Hickman County Chamber of Commerce


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